Working The Glutes

Working the glutes is often an exercise priority, particularly for women.  The problem becomes finding a quick & easy way to target these muscles.  In this clip, trainer & cyclist Lindsay comments on her first experience with the Helix® Later Trainer.

“Amazing workout, tires you in about 20 minutes and hits the glute meds like you don’t with other static or movement exercises – like the elliptical – on the gym floor.  IT’S AMAZING, LOVE IT!”

The Helix® Lateral Trainer is designed to engage, tone and shape the entire lower body – including all the gluteus muscles in addition to the quads and thighs.  From a woman’s perspective, it attacks exactly those areas that traditionally have been the biggest trouble spots.  In other words, IT GIVES YOU A SOLUTION TO WORKING THE GLUTES!  PLUS, you get an intense cardio workout that strengthens your core & burns calories like no other machine.

THE MOST EFFECTIVE CARDIO PROUCT EVER BUILT – take a test drive & start working the glutes today!

The Helix® Lateral Trainer blows away traditional concepts of lower body training by providing both huge benefits to your core and all of your lower body muscles – glutes, quads, inner thighs & outer thighs, PLUS gives you an intense cardio workout.

FOR ALL WOMEN – the Helix® directly addresses those areas that worry you most – hips, butt & thighs – plus gives you the cardio workout that keeps you going.

FOR ALL MEN – cardio, cardio, cardio!  NOTHING will work your cardio like the Helix® Lateral Trainer.  And by-the-way, watch out…your core & lower body will NEVER be in better shape.

FOR ALL ATHLETES – the only machine designed to focus on your specific requirements – LATERAL STRENGTH & AGILITY.  And the cardio benefits are huge.

FOR  NEOPHYTES – fitness training can be intimidating, but the Helix® Lateral Trainer is designed to be inviting for everyone.  Jump on – it’s intuitive & within 2 minutes you’ll get it…THIS is how to get in shape!